Does human civilasation in need of it?

With the blast off of Indian Lunar probe mission Chnadrayan-3 and alteast 5 countries (that include Japan, South Korea, Russia, the United Arab Emirates and the United States) are on an array to launch Lunar and other space mission, the race for space colonisation seems to get accelerated. Although a few countries have the required technological capability to operate large-scale missions, but a host of ambitious new entrants have substantially increased the competition to its next orbit. Here comes a question – Why countries are spending so much of resources on these missions ? To understand this, first , we need to understand the meaning of Space Colonization.

What is Space Colonization ?

Space colonization or may be called space settlement is the human effort to establish permanent habitation in outer space or celestial bodies off Earth. Ever since man had started observing celestial bodies like moon, stars, sun etc, the idea of space colonisation might find it’s genesis. In early days of space exploration mankind was using telescopes and observatories. There were many space observatories of earlier times found in India. Some of them are still existing in Delhi and Jaipur, Rajasthan. Many ancient Indian scholars like Aryabhat, Bhaskaracharya, Varaha Mihir, Brahmagupta had made significant contribution in this field of science. Ancient Greek scholars had have their contribution too. However, space exploration through telescope started only with the invention of modern telescope in the year 1608 by Hans Lippershey. The works of Galileo and Isaac Newton had created a landmark for future developments in space exploration.

But physical exploration was started very recently during 1940s. The beginning of the race for space colonization may be attributed to the successful manned USSR mission in 1961. The saga started with Yuri Gagarin entered into outer space in Vostock 1 spacecraft on 12 April,1961. Since then many astronauts had been to space and has been continuous presence of astronauts in the ISS (International Space Station). Between 1969 and 1972, as many as twelve American astronauts had landed on Moon.

Image Credit- SciTechDaily

Need for space colonization.

When we think of space colonization, the nearest celestial body, colonizing Earth’s the natural satellite Moon comes first to our mind. Most of the space powers like the US, Russia, India and China, have ambitious plan to set up bases on the Moon for astronauts to live in as well as make it the base for deep space mission which will substantially reduce the cost of the probes. The latest Indian lunar probe Chandrayan-3 has the prime objective to find water in the south pole of Moon. This may help in colonization of Moon by human being in future. The Chandrayan1 mission found traces of water and ice in that region. The ice or water may be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen, and to be used to refuel space ships on their journeys to different planets and other deep space destinations. Besides Lunar surface can be used to test out deep space technologies. However, space colonization does not mean establishing human habitat on Moon or on the surface of other cosmic bodies. It also includes establishing human habitats built in free space.

There are good many reasons before us which expediates the needs for setting up colonies in other astronomical bodies in the outer space. Some of them are illustrated below.

1. Fear of extinction of life on Earth.

There is an apprehension among scientists due to various reasons life on Earth may face extinction. The great cosmologist Stephen Hawkings has had the believe that we need to colonise another planet within next century. Therefore for long term survival of human civilazation, developing an alternate habitat off Earth seems necessary.

2. Threat of nuclear war.

World had witnessed the destructive impact of nuke arsenal in Japanese city of Hirosima and Nagasaki during Worl War II. But we learnt a little evident from the nuke race among the countries. Any deliberate or mistaken use of nuclear bombs will lead to massive devastation even destruction of the whole planet.

3. Pandemic and outbreak of other deadly Diseases.

The ever increasing pollution level and the wrong deeds by us are creating environment for creation of different deadly diseases. The recent outbreak of Covid-19 is a living example which taken million of lives across the globe.

4. Resources Crunch.

The rampant utilisation of natural resources considerably depleted the available resources and feared to be exhausted someday. This fear is one of the major reason for space colonization. During the last 80 years of space exploration space agencies have been able to find sources of different resources in Mars, Moon and beyond. A great fuel source has also been discovered in the Moon. This may provide an oppurtunity to reduce the dependency fuel resources of Earth and may prove helpful in reducing pollution too. Colony in Moon can also be use the fuel resources there to refuel the space craft meant for deep space journey.

5. Space Tourism.

Space tourism garnering a major traction now a days and emerging as a great business opurtunity. Many private players like Space X, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic are already in this business. This is also paving the way and making further contribution it mankind’s endeavour for future human settlement in the cosmos.

6. Population Explosion.

Presently world population is around 8.1 billion and growing at a pace of around 1% per annum. Better health facility followed by decreasing infant mortality rate and increasing life expectancy has helped in increasing the world population. As poppulation is increasing so not the resources rather they are depleting day by day. It may lead the space faring nations to think of space colonization.

Also Read: Chandrayan3 : India’s Mission to Moon

7. Collision with Asteroids.

An asteroid collided Earth some 65 million years ago which led to extinction of dinosaurs from its surface. The fear of such a collision is always there as thousands of astronomical bodies moving around the Sun and collision with earth is continuous but in small scale. However a large scale collision can be ruled out and may not be averted.

Image Credit- Arab News

If such a situation arises and we need to leave Earth, where would we move? Space Colonization is the answer. Dicussion to be continued…..

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